March 8 2023
Kelp Forest Summit
While attending the International Seaweed Symposium in Hobart, Australia, our CEO, Robert Roulston had the chance to attend a pre-symposium workshop – The Kelp Forest Challenge and the first Global Kelp Forest Summit.
We were exceptionally pleased to launch with 20 pledges from 8 countries, jointly committing to protecting or restoring over 40,000 ha of kelp forests by 2030. We also received pledges from artists, photographers, tech companies, dive shops, and marketing firms, all pledging to help raise awareness about kelp forest or enable conservation activities.
The Kelp Forest Summit on February 19th was attended by 80 people (44 present and 36 online) from 21 countries and six of seven continents.
Attendees were from diverse backgrounds and included scientists, businesspersons, non-profits, and community leaders. Between dinners, workshops, and dives, everything from kelp road trips to KFA member handshakes was discussed!
We also awarded the First Ever Kelpie for best scientific kelp forest presentation at ISS to Tristin McHugh from TNC California.
Looking forward to the next International Seaweed Symposium in Victoria BC!
To learn more about our Seaweed Bioreactors and how they can help your gametophyte and sporophyte needs please visit our resource page.