July 30 2016


Open Mass Algae Culture Systems

Let’s talk about biosecurity in algae culture! Exposure to the elements means cultivation in open raceways and ponds for mass algae production is lacking in biosecurity. These low-cost systems offer high production capacities, but are vulnerable to contamination, both chemically and biologically. Although economical for mass production, open systems may not be suitable for some purposes. For example, live feed production in hatcheries. When consistent production of clean algae is desired, closed systems, such as Industrial Plankton’s line of bioreactors, are able to offer a chemostatic and biosecure environment that significantly reduces chances of contamination.

Open and closed systems are not mutually exclusive and can be used together to increase reliability of algae production. Industrial Plankton’s bioreactors compliment large raceways and ponds by providing large volumes of clean inoculum for these mass production systems. Starting the culture in a closed reactor delays the introduction of contaminant organisms, improving consistency, productivity, and useful culture lifetime once it enters an open system.

Live Feed Production

Biosecurity is a necessary component of live feed production in hatcheries.  Contaminated algae can result in a host of issues when used to feed and rear animals. Microbes such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, zooplankton, and competitive algae species are all considered biological contaminants. These may impede growth of the desired microalgae species. Bacteria introduced into algae cultures, including pathogenic bacteria, can be transferred to aquacultured and larval specimens when used as a live feed. This can result in disease outbreaks. Grazers, such as rotifers, ciliates and amoebas can be detrimental to open mass production systems as they forage on desired algae and reduce productivity.

Amoeba Algae Culture

Closed photobioreactors are an attractive option for such production. They minimize chances of contamination and allow for the possible production of axenic algal cultures. Industrial Plankton’s reactors are ideally suited for hatcheries. They offer an unparalleled level of control over parameters such as pH, temperature, light intensity, and nutrient levels. Automated routines such as cleaning, harvesting and scaling provide consistency and dependability to boost a hatchery’s level of microalgal production and quality.

How Industrial Plankton’s Reactors Reduce Contamination

Design and construction of Industrial Plankton’s reactors carefully considers biosecurity in algae culture and puts removal and exclusion of contamination as a top priority.  To ensure a biosecure environment for desired microalgae species within the reactor, Industrial Plankton incorporates the following features:

Spray Cleaning System (CIP):

A rotary spray ball is used to pressure wash the inside of the tank between cultures. This is performed using a 2 stage clean.  First, a biodegradable alkaline detergent is used to dissolve any biofilms. Subsequently a bleach spray is used to sterilize the inside of the sealed vessel.

No Dead Zones:

Dead flow zones allow cells to sediment out, building up pockets of organic matter where opportunistic heterotrophic bacteria like Vibrio can thrive.  Eliminating dead flow areas in the reactor is key to a healthy culture.

Autoclavable Tubing and Filters:

All air and media tubing and filters are removable and autoclavable, all the way back to the UV sterilizer.  Sterilizing between cultures ensures petulant microbial species are not introduced.

Automated Scale Up and Harvest:

Automation allows culture & culture media to be added or removed from the tank while maintaining a closed system, decreasing likelihood of contamination.  All environmental controls also use closed loop controls, maintaining a consistent culturing environment.

Providing a Sterile Growth Medium:

A number of critical steps are taken to ensure all water, air, and nutrients added to the reactor are free from microbes through the use of filtration and UV sterilization.  These steps include:
  1. All incoming water is pushed through two separate prefilters, first a 1 μm filter followed by a 0.2 μm.
  2. After mechanical filtration, water enters a Ultraviolet Sterilization unit with a high residence time.
  3. Lastly, water and nutrient additions are passed through an autoclavable 0.1 μm capsule filter.
  4. All air inlets/outlets use a autoclavable capsule filter capable of removing particles down to 0.003μm to provide sterile air and carbon dioxide to the culture.

If you are looking for hands on training for biosecurity in algae culture, NCMA at Bigelow Laboratory offers an annual Algae Culturing Course.